Monday, March 16, 2009


Directly across from my office is the swimming pool. For some unknown reason there's a huge amount of air moving out of the pool into the hallway today, and when the doors to the pool are shut the whistling of the air moving around the cracks in the door is highly unnerving.

After making the call to cancel the race I spent a chunk of Friday afternoon out at the boathouse, working on a shell. The boat was on slings outside the bay and I was in a t-shirt in 55 degree sunshine. I was starting to doubt the forecast and my senses. The next day, though, dawned wet, windy, and wild. We made a good call--Vancouver Lake would have been completely unrowable. We got in some solid practice and intra-squad racing and I think the team was appreciative to be able to go home after 90 minutes of rain instead of ~5 hours.

We have a short week scheduled as Saturday is off for the spring break long weekend-- we'll take Saturday through Tuesday morning off and then get in three days of double sessions (as well as one race, now) before the Daffodil Cup on March 28th. This week we wrap up the erg focus with our 2nd, and final, 2k test Wednesday.

Preparing for a good test at this point is all about sharpening and recovery. Our workout this afternoon will provide the sharpening-- about 3/4 of our usual volume of work, with some solid time spent at 2k pace to help the athletes find their rhythm at test pace. Tomorrow morning will be a fairly easy row without much time at pressure to allow for recovery. If we plan things right, the test results should demonstrate a solid gain of fitness from four weeks of hard work.