Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

Very cool to watch the inauguration this morning; inspiring in many ways. Not the least of which is the fact that the country continues to pass peacefully from one leader to another; this is not something to take for granted. For interesting perspective watch the HBO series "John Adams".

Also taught my first "not spinning" indoor cycling class today. Should be a good time, and ensures at least two workouts a week for yours truly. I'm still commuting a fair amount but I have a feeling once we're out on the water I'm going to start suffering some motivational challenges.

Contacts are going in easier now; about two minutes total today. Now I'm starting to enjoy them.

Had a few good visits from people back on campus; looking forward to seeing the rest of the folks. Also getting the occasional e-mail from some who are choosing not to row this spring. This is an annual challenge, and is understandable. Rowing at the Collegiate level is not easy and some choose to pursue other things. We wish them well, but as coaches it's challenging because we know what they're missing. There's many good things to come this spring and we're looking forward to getting started.