Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pictures from Saturday

Practice today was around ~16-17 k with plenty of 3' pieces.

This eight lineup made huge strides and took some risks in terms of pushing the limits of their current fitness. Adaptation grows out of challenge. They'll gain the benefits of this work leading into the next few weeks.

The whole novice team was down with the varsity for the first time this morning. It was very good to introduce the two groups of athletes. Here's the novice women, who looked pretty decent today.

Downtime between pieces-- good time for a joke. The four found the camera very funny.

Cooling down, headed for the dock.

Novice men on the dock.

All finished up, ready for Brunch.

Very good row today, fantastic water and perfect mid-50's weather. Early fall is a really nice time of year out here.