Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dealing with Challenges

The row this morning was . . . OK. Honestly, not our best work, and a step back from what we had from the end of last week. We spoke about it when we got in, and the key thing is to refocus on what we gain out of this situation.

Not every practice will be perfect, nor every race. The challenges today were to be found in timing, set, and getting flow. I was also less then 'on' today, and when the coach is feeling out of it while the crews are struggling it's hard to change the momentum of the practice.

The positive today is that despite the challenges we got a fairly effective workout in. It was also good to see that the team stayed focused and we did see improvement throughout; the rowing at the end of practice was significantly better then at the start. The goal we set for tomorrow is to come back and start off better then we finished today.

Most often success starts with a challenge.