Monday, August 25, 2008

Remember to Experiment!

The rain cleared away successfully on Thursday & I was able to race. Fantastic! In the process I tried something new, deviated from the common wisdom, and as a result obtained better results then I previously have this year. The lesson here is that common wisdom is a very good starting point-- but you have to work on different permutations of that wisdom, try new things, and make sure that what you're doing is working well for you.

I think the evolution of our practice schedule has been much the same way; this will be the first year we do the exact same schedule we did the year before. Why? Because finally, after several years of slight tinkering (erg day HERE, water THIS time, etc) we finally found something that really seems to work better for most of our athletes.

With that said, it's also important to remember that common wisdom is such because it really does work well for most people!

Stand by for a VERY COOL UPDATE tomorrow.