Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Arrival. . .

The freshman are here, and our recruiting posters are up in many places and being distributed to dorms as people stop by. I've enjoyed seeing a couple of our recruited freshman again and met several people interested in novice rowing.

I was walking back from Templeton and one of the NSO guides made the comment that crew was 'really on the recruiting thing'. We try. We try.

It's fantastic to have the campus alive and hopping again. A college campus is supposed to be a lively, energetic place-- it feels unnatural empty.

Finally, a quote for today from a book written about the British Track Cycling program (photo of the world-record setting Team Pursuit below), which if you don't know was fantastically successful in Beijing and looks to be unstoppable for London 2012. "We've got this saying, 'performance by the aggregation of marginal gains''.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone describe what develops athletic success better-- it's all about maximizing every little thing, not looking for the one secret that will give you the win. Remember that in practices-- an extra inch on every catch, a little more effort behind the oar, repeat many, many times.