Monday, November 23, 2009

Bay Area Trip

Getting back to work slowly this morning. I was in San Francisco last week visiting three distinct and different rowing clubs on a recruiting trip. It's always interesting to make these trips; it's a great opportunity to talk to prospective students for sure but equally fascinating is to look at each club and see how they've adapted to the space around them. How do they use their body of water, their facility, and their resources? Do the coaches work with the challenges they're presented with? Rowing is a sport where we often have to take what comes to us (weather, water, access, etc) and adapt in order to achieve the desired goals. It's always good for me to see how other folks do it and compare and contrast to our systems.

Regardless, I came back with some great conversations with some folks who I hope might be joining us next year as well as some ideas to mull over in the coming weeks as to how we might change a few things at Lewis & Clark for the better. The USRowing convention comes up next week and no doubt there will be more good ideas there.