Friday, October 3, 2008

The Rain is Back

After a very dry September (one of the driest on record) October arrived with a big hit of rain. I got my annual soaking-without-good-rain gear yesterday during a rather shocking downpour while out with the sculling class. As always after this rite of fall I was extensively overdressed for practice today.

Oregon feels like Oregon again, wet, green, drip everywhere.

The trailer is loaded, almost surprisingly, and we're off to do some race pieces with Willamette University tomorrow. I'll do my best to get a variety of pictures and maybe some video from the bank. As I discussed with the crews this morning, this is a very low-priority race but how seriously you take the early season events feeds into your expectations for the rest of the year. We've had some great rows this week and I'm hoping those hold up under racing conditions.