Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thoughts on winter fitness.

Just dropped a quick note to the team with just a couple days left till the new year; thinking out loud, as it were, on what matters when you're trying to get training done in the winter break.

". . .Remember that a huge part of what you're trying to do right now is not get super-fast, but rather to lay down the foundation to build our racing season on. The more fit you are coming in, the more you'll have to draw on when workouts are challenging in the season.

Workouts right now are all about steady, consistent, solid. No one day is important but the accumulation of consistent work builds up over time and makes a tremendous difference. Stroke rates on the erg are low, runs are sustainable, and you should never be gasping for air-- but at the same time you're getting back out there (or inside, as the case may be) day after day. . ."

The hardest thing about training to master, for me, is this consistency-- the ability to set up life, deal with challenges, and otherwise ensure that regardless of other things the training is always there. Maybe only a half hour, maybe not the best workout, maybe not exactly what you wanted-- but its there, and it gets done.

Regardless, Happy New Year from Pioneer Crew!