Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day One

First practice this morning, and I'd forgotten how much the coffee is needed to get through the transition week. Going from a 7:30 wakeup to a 5:15, and tomorrow to 4:40, has its challenges. I'm working on my 4th cup of the day to get ready for the sculling class this afternoon.

The women had a good first erg workout today, and it was great fun to introduce the novice and experienced athletes for the first time. I see some serious potential in the group and there's an undercurrent of both excitement and nervousness about what this sport holds for folks-- that's a good thing! Word has it that the men had an excellent row as well with awesome water to start the year.

Excellent talk after practice, highlighting how individual contributions create great team dynamics. I also spoke to the team about the importance of taking care of all the little things-- being on time, sharing the load, staying on top of academics and rest-- so we can have excellent focus when we have time together as a team.

Final point; I brought out one of my favorite quotes when talking to the women about goals and how to achieve them. Yoda said it best: