Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Driving the Desk

As of either yesterday or maybe Thursday it's time to give up on driving a launch this fall and start driving the desk full time. Yesterday was the last row for the beginning rowing course; we had a good session and I used the time to work on some warm-up sequences for our team in the spring. We have a big pacific storm hitting the coast right now and today & tomorrow will be unrowable; I'm hoping to get the sculling course out for one more session Thursday. After that weather and darkness will take over the river and we'll close the bay for winter.

Then for me it's the desk, or the boathouse work bench. The theme becomes 'get ready' as the next three months are spent trying to do as much as we can to prepare for spring season; travel plans, race permits, clothing orders, training plans, boat repair, and of course recruiting. The more of these things I can get done now the less there is to do in spring when time is precious.

But of course none of us get into coaching for the paperwork. During all these tasks, essential as they are, my mind will be on the water.